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Friday, July 8, 2011

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The Missing Person Living in Savannah

Benjaman Kyle is missing.

Benjaman Kyle also lives in Savannah, Georgia. If you had his address, you could go visit him, and he'd be there, doing whatever he does each day.

But if you go to the Doe Network, an organization which helps locate missing people, he'll be there. In fact, his case file is 1007UMGA.

But unlike most everyone else in the Doe Network's database, Kyle is not in there because no one knows where he is -- but rather, because no one knows who he is.

Unidentified White Male
Amnesia Victim

  • The Amnesia victim was discovered on August 31, 2004 in Richmond Hill, Georgia

Vital Statistics

  • Estimated age: 50-65 years old
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 5'11"; 240 lbs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Graying hair with receding hairline. Blue-green eyes. Above-average intelligence. Well-spoken. Professional demeanor.
  • Marks, Scars: Two parallel surgical scars on left elbow (from reparative surgery for broken elbow that may involve pins/plates implantation). Surgical scar on front of neck appears to be from cervical discectomy. Small round scar on left side of face near chin appears to be a puncture-type wound but believes it may be related to former tooth abscess. No tattoos. No body piercings.
  • Medical: Blinding cataracts in both eyes may have resulted from prolonged exposure to sun while unconscious prior to being found and brought to hospital.
  • Fingerprints: On file with the FBI in Savannah, Georgia.
  • Dentals: Three teeth missing from upper front and one tooth missing from upper right side of mouth. Not known whether dental problems occurred after or as result of mugging in August of 2004.

Case History
The victim was located naked, beaten and covered in fire ant bites beside a dumpster behind a Burger King in Richmond Hill, GA on August 31, 2004. He had no wallet, no ID, and couldn't remember his name, where he was from, or his Social Security number. The Burger King where he was found is located on Highway 17 directly across from U.S. Interstate 95 (exit 87). He may have been traveling on I-95 or in Georgia on business.

To date, he has been unable to remember his name and where he comes from. Doctors determined he suffered from retrograde amnesia. He can remember recent events and some things from his distant past, but there is a blank period of about 20 years. Doctors have told him he isn't likely to regain his memory.

Skill sets seem to be intact with loss of factual data. Cannot remember his name, where he comes from, or other pertinent factual data. Believes he may come from Indiana or Colorado. He is certain he has lived in Indianapolis and Boulder. Kyle remembers the state fair, a big cemetery and the downtown area of Indianapolis as it was years ago. He thinks he lived in Boulder in the 1970s. He remembers being in the University of Colorado library, and even remembers a specific view from a seat in the library. He doesn't remember whether he was a student there. He remembers reading Restaurant & Institutions magazines, and he remembers a specific restaurant in Boulder. He thinks he may have worked in the restaurant industry. His memories stop in mid-1980s. He thinks he may have two or three brothers, but he doesn't remember anything about them.

In exceptionally good health, has no chronic illnesses and requires no medications for the maintenance of good health. Has regional accent. A linguist has said his accent has traces of northern Indiana and Oklahoma. Fingerprints has been sent through criminal and military databases with no match.

He has since adopted the pseudonym "Benjaman Kyle" until he can learn his true name and identity. He chose the name "Benjaman," with its unique spelling, because he thinks that really is his first name. He believes his true birth date is August 29, 1948.

DNA testing through the Center for Human Identification, the U.S. Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory, Family Tree DNA, the Veterans Administration, and the FBI's National Crime Information System have produced no matches.
A forensic genealogist has determined that Kyle's DNA most closely matches a group of people with the Powell surname who migrated over generations from the eastern part of the country to the Coffeyville area and northeastern Oklahoma. Kyle has specific memories of two places — Indianapolis and the Denver-Boulder, Colorado area — but none of Kansas or Oklahoma. Kyle's DNA matches don't necessarily mean his last name is Powell, but that he has Powells in his ancestry.

If you have any information about this case please contact:
FBI - Savannah, GA
Bill Kirkconnell

You may remain anonymous when submitting information.


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