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Friday, June 15, 2012

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50 Useless Facts


  1. Wow some of those facts are very interesting. I am intrigued with why there's an American flag flying over the parliament building on Canada's two dollar bill. Great read!

    1. It's not an American flag. It the old dominion of Canada flag which had a union jack in the upper corner

  2. Canadian $2: http://www.snopes.com/business/money/redensign.asp
    Marilyn's toes: http://www.snopes.com/movies/actors/mmtoes.asp

    Not so factual...

  3. hurple - To hurkle or hurple is to draw one's limbs in and scrunch up the shoulders in reaction to the cold or in a storm

  4. It's funny how easily people believe something because they "read it somewhere." Who made this list? How do we know that what they wrote it correct? Is it a FACT or only true in the loosest sense?
    Eg: the Canadian 2 dollar bill (Which does not exist anymore) flies the Canadian Flag. OTHER bills fly the Red Ensign, which can look something like the American Flag because it is so small. But it never showed an American Flag.
    #24 - really? use Google and see for yourself.
    #28 - Myth. look it up on Snopes.com
    #50 - I suppose they count the legs of the insect that gets ground up with the cocoa? Then there is much more than just legs.
    #33 - Snope it and see.
    #2 - sure, peanut oil can be used....but MANY can be used.....why say "peanuts"?
    I don't even want to bother with the rest. Just because some idiot reads it somewhere and decides to make it nice and presentable, does not make it a FACT.
    Use your brain, do not rely on what you are told only.

  5. The American flag does not appear over the Parliament building on Canada's two dollar bill:


  6. Pity number 8 is BS, makes you wonder about the rest

  7. The flag is actually canada's old flag which can be mistaken from afar as the american flag. http://www.snopes.com/business/money/redensign.asp

  8. Given that some of them are complete bullshit (goldfish memory for example) It kind of ruins the credibility of some of the other ones.

  9. I flag on the canadian two dollor bill is not a US flag. Its is Canadian

  10. North America
    South America

    First and last letters are not the same

  11. Umm.. Some are very interesting but most are absolute rubbish and not true.

  12. half of these are complete bull. also, there never has been an american flag on the canadian $2 bill, or any other canadian bill.

  13. Elvis's twin brother's name was Jesse Garon. Not Aaron. Makes you wonder about the overall acuracy of the rest of the claims. :)

  14. Number 21 and number 24 are factually incorrect.

  15. Fact number 8 is false. It is a Canadian flag.

  16. #8 the flag is the Canadian Red Ensign, used until 1965 when it was replaced by the current flag.

  17. Not every continent starts and ends with the same letter. OceaniA. South AmericA.


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