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Friday, January 24, 2014

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Creative Mom Turns Her Baby’s Naptime Into Dream Adventures

Do babies dream when they sleep, or they simply rest peacefully? Queenie Liao, a free-lance artist and mother of three boys living in California, has tried to answer this question by sharing the adventurous dramas that her child Wengenn dreams of during his sleep.

Combining artistry and imagination with photography, Queenie has created captivating photos using plain cloths, stuffed animals, and other common household materials to create the background setting.


  1. Wow, Wow, Wow! - Are these for sale? You know... These should be a line of greeting cards!
    I really love these. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. This is so creative. They are only little for so long. What beautiful memories have been made here. Well done.

  3. A true creation with a touch. It brings back my memories watching those big art attack at Disney channel. However, this is more touching because of the little child who is a star in this wonderful art of creation. Whoever you are who created this wonderful art, you're a GENIUS


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