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Friday, March 28, 2014

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A Homeless Couple’s Special Night on the Town (5 pics)

"This is Charrolette and Ken. They're a homeless couple we met while doing some charity work at a Seattle tent city. In talking, we found out they had an anniversary coming up. Sadly in 14 years of marriage, they've never had a proper celebration. So we got some money together and changed that. First thing we did was buy Ken a new suit, and Charrolette a new dress. My girlfriend did her makeup and hair. They loved it."

"Then we got them a reservation at a beautiful hotel downtown. We put a few hundred dollars on their tab for wine and food throughout the night. When we arrived, and the front desk attendant heard their story, they immediately upgraded them to an amazing suite."

"They insisted on taking this photo. Thought it was awesome. Even though they live in Seattle, it's tough to travel far from the Tent City. So Charrolette said this was her first time exploring the city."
"And finally they wanted to visit The Great Wheel that they'd heard so much about. The smile on their face the whole night can't be explained with words."


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