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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

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A Back Yard Pool Idea That’s Pure Brilliance (48 pics)

This swimming pond is a novel project that one family embraced.

"This was a part of our backyard back in march 2011. My dad planned to build a swimming pond by himself and my sister and I helped him to do so."

"Here you can see the water conduit for the "fountain". The conduits are all leading into the garage where the filter system will be."

"Here you can see how we placed the felt onto the whole future pond."
"My father ordered all materials like felt and plastic foils in germany. There is actually quiet a community around those DIY ponders."

"On top of the felt, we put 1 huge plastic foil."

"This is the filter system for circulating the water from the pond through those barrels."
"I remember that day.. We had to fill the pond with those heavy-ass rocks. We were 5 men and worked around 8 hours to build the walls of the pond etc.. We were tired to death by sunset."

"Spring 2012! Water turned slightly green since the circulation isn't switched on yet."

"Finally finished! It was summer 2012 and we could start to enjoy our selfmade swimming pond!"


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