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Monday, September 1, 2014

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Irish things (46 Pics)

A cold pint of Guinness. It tastes waaaay better here as it doesn't ship well.

The great debate- Lyons or Barrys?
Penny sweets. Watching an exasperated shopkeeper counting out 237 of these suckers made my day.
Jean Byrne and her 'scandalous' outfits while telling us the weather.
Spontaneously striking up Riverdance when drunk in a club and thinking we're Michael Flatley and "Shur, we're fecking great at this and a natural!"
Dustin and Zig and Zag.
The glorious weather.
Subtlety in Irish nightclubs.
Anyone who has one of these suckers commands respect.
MAMMY DINNERS! (At weekends home from college, we all learned how to have hamster cheeks)
3am on a Saturday night, a spice burger is the feed of Gods.
Mammys homemade soda bread. Failing that, we'll buy one in Super Valu and say we made it.
The countryman's salute. As you get nearer home and further into the sticks, we start adding fingers until we're practically pressing our hand against the glass.
"The Flash" Meaning something is ahead, be it a checkpoint or a crash, we KNOW. Means instant seatbelts or a quick U-turn.
Finding a bag of these at your Granny's house.
The mother of all glorious crisps.
You knew there was visitors coming when these were bought in the weekly shop.
10p and you were sorted for an hour. Or glued your teeth together.
Two or three of these always lurked in the back of a press.
Your weekly pocket money had to include one of these.
Brian Dobson and Sharon Ni Bheolain
In many town, we wouldn't pass much heed on this occurring.
Every year we crown a male goat as King Puck.
No seriously, every year.
This happening about twice a year and each time it makes the news.
Brown sauce.
Turf in summer........every country child remember the back breaking work.
Farmers in charity calenders looking like this
Things like this. (Pajo the calf eating a boiled egg)
Views like this.
Curry cheese chips, a necessity after a session.
Cornflakes with warm milk, apparently this is an Irish thing.
Crisp sandwiches. (Pronounced sanGwitches) Mostly eaten at GAA games. Must be spread liberally with butter and it has to be cheese and onion tayto.
Red lemonade. You have not lived until you have this as a mixer.
The glorious combination of chocolate and tayto.
Butter on sandwiches. Has to be the REAL butter. None of your healthy crap. (Preferably cold enough to tear holes in the bread)

Butter on rich tea biscuits.

Butter on potatoes, veg.......BUTTER ON EVERYTHING! Paula Dean must love us.....
Breakfast rolls. A known hangover cure. Sausages, rashers, hash browns, pudding and sometimes an egg, all smushed together in a roll with butter and ketchup.
Boxty and spud bread. Need I say more. Must be fried in butter.
Graffiti that is so tame the gardai won't even take it down.
Unusual passengers in our cars.
Headlines such as this- BREAKING NEWS: Beef prices have jumped in the last week.
Mammies all over Ireland believing that sending us to bed with flat 7up is a cure all.


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