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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

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Elysium- Island Nation (30 Pics)

Elysium is an island nation of about 166 thousand Cims (1.3 million fudged pop), laid out on 6 major islands. The island's infrastructure is centered on a highway loop with a few major branches- The Loop is highlighted in blue, other major roads in gray.
Most of Elysium's 'tall' skyline.

The northeastern area- Power & Utilities are centered here, along with a major strip mine.

The old power plant.
The new power plant.
A southern strip of industry on the 'main island'.
Railway going through the southern strip.
Railway on the coast, heading south.
Main railyard, seen from above.

The small Harbor Island off of the 'main island'
One of the container ships on Harbor Island
The southern strip again, with a view into Laurentia (the small city in background).
Bedford Lake. On one side is heavy industry; on the other the small town of Bedford.
Another view of Laurentia, this time from the North.
Laurentia's main government building.
Prime Tower.

Deutsche Bank building.
Elysium University, in Laurentia.

Elysium Power industrial complex- freight rails.
Train lines running around Laurentia- Purple Line train visible.
Laurentian courts- suburbs next to the small city.
Old Laurentian city hall.
Tennis courts and a church.


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