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Thursday, October 8, 2015

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Inside Scotland Yard’s ‘Black Museum’

Deadly: This briefcase has been fitted out with a reconstruction of the nail bomb used by the IRA for the Hyde Park bombing in 1982

Mugshot: A firearm and criminal record belonging to notorious London gangland kingpin Ronnie Kray. His headshot is shown here with his date of arrest scribed underneath

Horrific: Officers have managed to reconstruct the rucksacks used by the 7/7 London bombers with intricate detail, including the wiring of the explosives and their contents

Glammed-up: A razor-sharp blade is seen hidden disguised in this lipstick tube. A balaclava used to conceal a criminal's identity

Blue lights: This Metropolitan Police car takes pride of place in the exhibit, which runs at the London Museum from Friday through April

In the line of fire: A crossbow and briefcase containing a syringe and poison belonging to Paul Elvey, an associate of the Krays

Hands-up: Included in the exhibit will be the first 'murder kits', issued to police officers following the gruesome 1924 killing of typist Emily Kaye, and the gun used by murderer Ruth Ellis, the last woman executed in Britain

Gun gallery: Three pistols - all with labels referencing how they gained notoriety - stand on display at the exhibit, which was set up by an Inspector Neame in 1874

On the run: A wanted poster for Harry Roberts (left) in relation to the Shephards Bush murders, and another for members of the Great Train Robbery gang (right), with 'NNW' (not now wanted) written across some of the photos

Hand them over: A collection of counterfeit gold rings confiscated by undercover police officers is one of the more glamorous parts of the exhibition

Weaponry: A metal mace hangs from a wall display showcasing some of the more obscure weapons found in the hands of criminals

One previous owner: This rusting old pistol was used by Harry Roberts, only recently released from prison following the murder of a police officer in 1966

Protocol: A visitor learns about the history of police procedures, which detail everything from first approaching a suspect to cuffing them

Diamon: A replica of the Millennium Diamond - a flawless 203.04 carats (40.608g) gem with an estimated worth of £200million, the focus of attempted robbery in November 2000

Watch your cash: A visitor views one of the exhibits displays on electronic fraud, which goes into forensic detail in showing the techniques used by criminals to steal money whether it be via an ATM or mobile phone

Fooling no-one: A stun gun hidden in the casing of a mobile phone (left). A collection of brutal modern weaponry (right) confiscated by police

Stand well back: Weapons on display include massive machetes, tasers, knuckle-dusters, maces, and even wooden bats covered in nails

Shooting: This exhibit details the history of guns, from ancient make-shift weaponry to modern, high-powered rifles and hand-guns

Last rites: One man takes an eerie photograph of this selection of nooses, each of which come with details of the hangman and the dead

The fight against illegal drugs: One guest learns about the different type of paraphernalia taken from drug users (left), while this display (right) showcases all the different types of pills found in public

Undercover: The birth certificate of Gordon Lonsdale - the Soviet spy actually named Konon Molodiy, who passed himself off in Britain as to steal submarine secrets in the 1950s

File under 'foreheads': A set of mugshot templates feature in the exhibition, which displays never seen before objects from the Metropolitan Police's Crime Museum

Opened up: Usually only seen by serving police officers, Scotland Yard's Crime Museum - known as the 'Black Museum' - has handed over its most fascinating exhibits to the Museum of London for an eye-opening, if somewhat spine-tingling, six-month display


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