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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

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Photos of the Apollo Spacecraft you might not have seen (14 Pics)

Apollo 11 S-IC first stage in the Vehicle Assembly Building transfer aisle.
A crane lifts the Saturn first stage.

Workers prepare the S-IVB for mating of the Instrument Unit (pictured left), which houses guidance, control and other Saturn V systems. The ring is the same diameter as the stage the workers are standing on, but it is closer to the camera, thus distorting the perspective.

The S-II second stage is moved into position for mating with the S-IC first stage

This photo shows the S-IVB third stage being hoisted into position for mating with the second stage.

The S-IVB third stage is moved into position for mating

Apollo 11 CSM (Command Service Module) being moved from its work stand for mating

The Apollo 11 Command/Service Module (CSM-107) being readied for transfer to the Vehicle Assembly Building.

This photo shows the Apollo 11 Command-and-Service Module being mated to the spacecraft adapter.

Apollo 11 Saturn V rollout from the Vehicle Assembly Building. 20 May 1969.

Aerial view of the Apollo 11 Saturn V rollout from the Vehicle Assembly Building. 20 May 1969

This photo is a ground-level view of the Apollo 11 Saturn V during transport. The vehicle is 363 feet (111 meters) tall.

Apollo 11 Saturn V on the Crawler as it begins to go up the ramp to Pad 39-A. This photo clearly shows the hydraulic jacking capabilities of the Crawler, keeping the vehicle perfectly straight up as it climbs the grade. Note the diesel smoke as the crawler moves it's multi-million pound load up the hill.

This photo is an aerial view of the Apollo 11 Saturn V moving to the firing position on the pad at the Kennedy Space Center.


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