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Thursday, February 6, 2014

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Sad Love Story Told through Facebook Updates (16 pics)


  1. His shitty chest piece says he "deserved it"

  2. Yeap. Another BS Umerican sob story about how one of their trained dogs got put down for being rabid. Oh the horror, the humanity. He was innocent! His only crime was to shoot the crap out of civilians for a living.

  3. I'm thinking of Paper Lace - Billy, Don't be a Hero when I see this. Search on youtube and you'll see what I mean.

  4. Not even American but the previous posters really should go fuck themselves with rakes.

    Regardless of the nation's foreign politics, his motives for going to war and what his actions were, this is a story about loss of the irreplaceable kind - the fact that you cannot fathom respect for this is utterly appalling.

  5. Americans war greedy and this happens NO one said the need to interfere in other countries business

  6. I agree, I am not american either but any soldier willing to risk his life or die for his country deserves respect. And this woman lost the love of her life, You people have no soul....

  7. the guy was obviously a bro-fag (douche bag, frat fucker, piece of shit) and regardless of why he joined up (even though it was probably because he was too stupid to do anything else) he had it coming...


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